International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream

What is International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream?

International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream is aimed at those international graduates who have completed their post-secondary education from Alberta post-secondary institutions, and, who now want to establish their own entrepreneurial venture or business in Alberta and then through that apply for Permanent Residence.

Eligibility criteria

Following criteria must be met to be eligible for the Alberta International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream:

EducationApplicant must have completed at least two years of full-time education, resulting in a degree or diploma from an Alberta Advanced Education publicly funded post-secondary institution.
Work PermitApplicant must have a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) valid for at least 2 years at the time of your Expression of Interest (EOI) submission.
  1. Minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level of 7 for each English language skill or NCLC of 7 for each French language skill
  2. Official test results must be less than 2 years old at the time your EOI submission.
Business Establishment
  1. A new business must be established or an existing business in Alberta with a minimum 34% ownership must be bought.
  2. The proposed business type must not be on the list of ineligible businesses..
  3. Business Partners, if any, must either be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents.
Work Experience
  1. A minimum of 6 months of full-time work experience that can be a combination of actively managing or owning the business or combination thereof. Work experience can be acquired:
  • from outside Canada or within Canada
  • before or after completing Alberta education

Alberta education credential used to meet both education and work experience criteria must cover the minimum required duration for both education and work experience.
Note: 2 years of full-time Alberta education and 6 months of work experience is required at the time of EOI submission.

* Education being used in lieu of work experience must be from an Alberta post-secondary institution.

Factors that increase your chances

The following factors increase an applicant chances of receiving a Request to submit Business Application:

CriteriaAdaptability factors
Economic benefit

If the applicant’s business could provide economic benefit to Alberta through:

  • job creation
  • economic sector
  • business location (for example, rural)
  • business succession
  • investment
  • developed intellectual property
  • partnership or support from business incubator/accelerator, venture capital or angel investor
AgeApplicant’s age is between 21 to 49 years

Applicant’s spouse or common-law partner has at least one of the following:

  • at least 1 year of continuous full-time employment in Alberta
  • completed at least 2 years of full-time study at a post-secondary institution in Alberta
  • a minimum level CLB 5 in English or NCLC 5 in French in all 4 language abilities (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)
Alberta relativeif the applicant or applicant’s spouse or common-law partner, have one or more of the following relatives living full-time in Alberta: father, step-father, mother, step-mother, child, step-child, sister, step-sister, brother, step-brother



Business Establishment Factors (75 points)

Business Management or
Ownership Experience
(Maximum of 15 points)

Mandatory requirement

6 months (mandatory minimum)5
1 year10
> 1 year15

Economic Benefit

(Maximum of 40 points)

Not mandatory

Economic benefits

  • Economic development sector (for example energy; agriculture; technology/data/telecom/ aviation etc

Job Creation (max 15 points):

  • 1 job
  • 2 jobs
  • 3 or more jobs
  • Rural (outside Edmonton and Calgary Census Metropolitan Areas)

Total Business Investment

(Maximum of 20 points)

Not a mandatory requirement

$25,000 or less5
$25,001 to $50,00010
$50,001 to $75,00015
$75,001 or more20
Human Capital Factors (25 points)

Language Proficiency

(Maximum of 15 points)

Mandatory requirement

Proficiency in English or French: 
  • CLB 7/NCLC 7 (7 for each Reading, Writing, Learning and Speaking) (mandatory minimum)
  • CLB 8/NCLC 8 (8 for each Reading, Writing, Learning and Speaking)
  • CLB 9/NCLC 9 or higher (9 for each Reading, Writing, Learning and Speaking)

Alberta Education

(Maximum of 10 points)

Mandatory requirement

Bachelor’s degree or a 2-year Diploma (mandatory minimum)5
2 or more degrees or diplomas7
Master’s degree or higher10
Adaptability Factors (25 points)


(Maximum of 5 points)

Not mandatory

21 to 49 years5

Spouse/Common-law characteristics

(Maximum of 10 points)

Not a mandatory requirement

Your spouse/common-law partner has one or more of the following:

  • at least 1 year of continuous full-time employment in Alberta
  • completed at least 2 years of full-time study at a post-secondary institution in Alberta
  • a minimum level CLB 5 in English or NCLC 5 in French in all 4 language abilities


(if one or more characteristics are met)

Alberta relatives

(Maximum of 10 points)

Not a mandatory requirement

Relatives are defined as father, step-father, mother, step-mother, child, step-child, sister, step-sister, brother, step-brother of candidate or spouse/common-law partner10
Maximum Points 125


  • An EOI must be submitted to Alberta.
  • EOI from candidates is reviewed in 30 days.
  • If EOI is accepted, then a Business Plan must be submitted within 90 days. A non-refundable $3,500 application fee must also be paid.
  • If Business Plan is approved, a Business Performance Agreement (BPA) is signed.
  • Business with atleast 34% ownership has to be operated in Alberta for at least 12 months
  • A final report for nomination is submitted to AINP.
  • Now, the candidate can apply for Permanent Residence

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