What are different types of Spousal Open work permit applications?
This stream let spouses of principal applicant work in Canada with the help of an Open Work permit. It has following streams:
- For spouses or common-law partners of applicants applying under spouse or common-law partner in Canada class.
- For spouses or common-law partners of skilled workers.
- For spouses or common-law partners of Foreign Students.
Eligibility requirements for Various Spousal Open work permit Applications
1. For spouses or common-law partners of applicants applying under Inland Sponsorship Class
- This stream is for those applicants who are presently in Canada and are in the process of being sponsored by their spouse.
- For Spousal Sponsorship Open Work Permit, an Inland Sponsorship application is must, as Open work permit cannot be applied for Outland Sponsorship application.
- The sponsored applicant must have a valid status in Canada and also shall reside at same address with their spouse.
2. For spouses or common-law partners of skilled workers
Spouses or common-law partners of skilled people are eligible for Open work permit if:
- Principal applicant i.e. their spouse who is a skilled worker in Canada, holds a work permit that is valid for a period of at least 6 months.
- Principal applicant i.e. their spouse who is a skilled worker in Canada, is employed in NOC skill type 0, A or B.
- The foreign worker physically resides in Canada while working under above work permit.
3. For spouses or common-law partners of bridging open work permit (BOWP) holders
If the principal foreign worker has obtained a bridging open work permit (BOWP), the following eligibility requirements apply:
- All principal foreign workers’ work permits must be valid for 6 months or longer.
- For spouses or common-law partners of federal skilled worker class applicants, the principal foreign worker shall be working in NOC skill type 0 or skill level A or B job.
- For spouses or common-law partners of provincial nominee class applicants, the principal foreign worker can work in any NOC job.
- For spouses or common-law partners of federal skilled trades class applicants, the principal foreign worker shall be working in NOC skill level B.
- For spouses or common-law partners of Canadian experience class applicants, the principal foreign worker can work in any NOC job.
- For spouses or common-law partners of Agri-Food Pilot applicants, the principal foreign worker shall be working in NOC skill type 0 or skill level A or B job.
4. For spouses or common-law partners of Foreign Students
- Applicants must provide evidence of relationship with the study permit holder who must be a full-time student at a DLI.
- Spouses or common-law partners of full-time students are eligible for open or open/restricted work permits, depending on whether a medical examination has been passed.
- Validity of Open-work permit is same as spouse's study permit.
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